

When we reflect on the future of agriculture, we could not avoid thinking about the power of technology to solve problems bedeviling this sector. Climate change, population growth and food security concerns have pushed for innovative technological solutions to farming.
Artificial Intelligence is emerging as part of the solutions towards improved agricultural productivity.Individual agricultural activities on the farm takes effort, for example planting, maintaining, and harvesting crops need money, energy, labor and resources. What if we can use technology to replace some of the human activities and guarantee efficiency? That’s where artificial intelligence comes in.


In this research we have used item-based collaborative filtering to obtain the relationship between various incident sensed by the sensors in consequent time points. The information obtained from consequent time points is used to predict the data values for next time points. Multi-source and temporal correlations are used to reduce data transmission.

Smart Farming

In our research we have tried to develop a deep learning framework for crop growth prediction which predicts the stage of the crop growth and crop pathology prediction which predicts whether the plant is healthy or unhealthy and if unhealthy in which of unhealthy stage it is. For crop growth prediction we have used the synthetic dataset generated from DSSAT simulator to train our deep learning framework model. Basically it consists of two components namely atmospheric module and soil module. In model we have used total 24 features to predict the different stages of crop growth (Table.1).For crop pathology we have used two different datasets and proposed two models for the respective datasets.

Smart Traffic

In this internship project, I have implemented various end to end learning techniques to drive an autonomous vehicle on Udacity’s Simulator. I used a Convolutional Nueral Network to directly map raw set of image pixels to steering angle of car in case of Supervised Learning , while in case of End to End DQN I have mapped the image pixels to the Q values associated with each action. The supervised learning is able to drive the car around the car as demonstrated in the video file attached with this project. Supervised Learning is showing good results as compared to a DQN but that might be because a DQN requires a lot more learning than Supervised Learning and moreover a DQN needs to learn a lot more values as compared to a supervised learning model. It seems as if both of these models are trying to estimate where the middle of road is and are taking actions to reach the middle of the lane. This is because middle of the lane is the safest position for any model.